How To Adding Facebook Share Functionality to an ASP.NET Website with a Master Page
ReviewCoreASPHosting.NET | Best and cheap ASP.NET hosting. This article assumes the reader has experience developing web sites using ASP.NET, specifically using Master Pages. It also assumes a familiarity with Facebook. All sample code is in C#. After reading this article, you should be able to integrate Facebook Share with an ASP.NET web site, whether or not it contains a Master Page. I've chosen to illustrate this using a Master Page because it's a little more involved, and once you can do it with a Master Page, you should be able to do it without one as well.What is Facebook Share, and how does it work?First, let's review what Facebook Share actually is. Adding a Share widget to a web page allows a user to click on an icon which launches a Facebook Share dialog. If the user has a Facebook account, they can then share the web page on their Facebook "wall" with their friends on Facebook, adding comments if...