Best, Cheap and Reliable IIS 10 Hosting Comparison
ReviewCoreASPHosting.NET | Best, cheap and Reliable IIS 10 hosting comparison. Our 2017 Best ASP.NET (Windows) Hosting Award goes to ASPHostPortal, one of the fastest growing private companies in America and one of the most reliable hosting providers worldwide. Since then, ASPHostPortal has grown from a small hosting company with just three servers into a world leading and industry recognized hosting provider. ASPHostPortal's Windows Web Hosting offers the power and flexibility of Parallels Plesk Panel, IIS (Internet Information Services), Microsoft SQL Server 2016 R2, and a wide variety of other hosting features such as ASP and ASP.Net for a low price.
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5 GB Disk Space
60 GB Bandwidth
2 SQL Server db
SQL Server 2008/2012/2014
SQL Server 2016
200 MB SQL Server / db
3 MySQL db
200 MB MySQL /db
200 MB Email Space[/su_tab][su_tab title="Plan Detail"]Unlimited...