How To Authentication ASP.NET Core for your Web API and Angular2
ReviewCoreASPHosting.NET | Best and cheap ASP.NET Core 1.0 hosting. So today we will explains about Authentification ASP.NET Core. Authentication in a single page application is a bit more special, if you just know the traditional ASP.NET way. To imagine that the app is a completely independent app like a mobile app helps. Token based authentication is the best solution for this kind of apps. In this post I'm going to try to describe a high level overview and to show a simple solution.
There are many ways to protect your application out there. The simplest one is using an Azure Active Directory. You could also setup a separate authentication server, using IdentityServer4, to manage the users, roles and to provide a token based authentication.
And that's the key word: A Token Based Authentication is the solution for that case.
With the token bases authentication, the client (the web client, the mobile app, and so on) gets a string based encrypted token after a...