Best, Cheap Windows Server 2016 Hosting
ReviewCoreASPHosting.NET | Best , cheap affordable Windows Server 2016 hosting. Windows Server 2016 is a server operating system developed by Microsoft as part of the Windows NT family of operating systems, developed concurrently with Windows 10. The first early preview version (Technical Preview) became available on October 1, 2014 together with the first technical preview of System Center.
Windows Server 2016 has code to supercharge data storage IO speed by not treating it as IO anymore. It uses storage-class memory (SCM) as a persistent store, one that is on the memory bus, close to the CPU, and doesn't lose its contents when power is lost, an NVDIMM-N type device. That can be provided by having a Flash DIMM on a host system's memory channel, or a DRAM DIMM with on-DIMM flash backup against power failure.How To Find The Best and Reliable Windows Server 2016 Hosting
It’s not easy to choose an optimized Windows server 2016 hosting with high performance and affordable price....