How to Setting ASP.NET Core RC 2 for TypeScript Development
ReviewCoreASPHosting.NET | Best and cheap ASP.NET Core RC 2 hosting. Whether you are starting with Angular 2 and TypeScript or pure TypeScript development in with ASP.NET Core project, you will need to setup Visual Studio project to developer the code in. In this post I will describe how easy it is to do so.
First of all, you will need to install Visual Studio 2015. You can use Community edition if you do not have MSDN subscription. Then you need to install RC 2 of .NET Core. We are ready to begin.
Start by creating a new project in VS. You will need to pick ASP.NET Core Web App under .NET Core node as you can see on the screenshot below.On the next page just pick Empty Application for now. Then give it a minute for project to be created.
Now we need to configure TypeScript. Right-click on the project (not solution), pick new item, then find TypeScript JSON Configuration File from item...