How to Integration Testing In .NET Core 2.0
ReviewCoreASPHosting.NET | Best and cheap ASP.NET Core 2.0 hosting. We all know how important writing tests is when developing software. It ensures that your code is working as expected and allows you to more easily refactor the existing code. Tests can also help someone new to your application learn how it works and what functions it offers.
Each test level has its purpose, whether that be the unit testing or integration testing. Having good integration tests is important when you are developing software. It ensures your application's end to end flow is working correctly.
While making sure your project has well-designed integration tests, it is equally important that your tests are easy to run and fast. This is an important point if there is a big investment to set up in order for the tests to run. If the tests take a long time to run, people are simply not going to use the application.
This blog post shows you how to create an...