ReviewCoreASPHosting.NET | Best and cheap ASP.NET Core hosting. The following code snippet shows how to use the integration package to apply Simple Injector to your web application’s Startup class.

// You'll need to include the following namespaces
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Controllers;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ViewComponents;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;

using SimpleInjector;
using SimpleInjector.Lifestyles;
using SimpleInjector.Integration.AspNetCore;
using SimpleInjector.Integration.AspNetCore.Mvc;

public class Startup {
    private Container container = new Container();

    public Startup(IHostingEnvironment env) {
        // ASP.NET default stuff here

    // This method gets called by the runtime.
    public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) {
        // ASP.NET default stuff here

            new SimpleInjectorControllerActivator(container));
            new SimpleInjectorViewComponentActivator(container));


    // Configure is called after ConfigureServices is called.
    public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env,
        ILoggerFactory factory) {




        // Add custom middleware
        app.Use(async (context, next) => {
            await container.GetInstance<CustomMiddleware>().Invoke(context, next);

        // ASP.NET default stuff here
        app.UseMvc(routes =>
                name: "default",
                template: "{controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id?}");

    private void InitializeContainer(IApplicationBuilder app) {
        container.Options.DefaultScopedLifestyle = new AsyncScopedLifestyle();

        // Add application presentation components:

        // Add application services. For instance:
        container.Register<IUserRepository, SqlUserRepository>(Lifestyle.Scoped);

        // Cross-wire ASP.NET services (if any). For instance:

        // The following registers a Func<T> delegate that can be injected as singleton,
        // and on invocation resolves a MVC IViewBufferScope service for that request.

        // NOTE: Do prevent cross-wired instances as much as possible.
        // See:

Wiring custom middleware

The previous Startup snippet already showed how a custom middleware class can be used in the ASP.NET Core pipeline. The following code snippet shows how such CustomMiddleware might look like:

// Example of some custom user-defined middleware component.
public sealed class CustomMiddleware {
    private readonly ILoggerFactory loggerFactory;
    private readonly IUserService userService;

    public CustomMiddleware(ILoggerFactory loggerFactory, IUserService userService) {
        this.loggerFactory = loggerFactory;
        this.userService = userService;

    public async Task Invoke(HttpContext context, Func<Task> next) {
        // Do something before
        await next();
        // Do something after

Notice how the CustomMiddleware class contains dependencies. Because of this, the CustomMiddleware class is resolved from Simple Injector on each request.

In contrast to what the official ASP.NET Core documentation advises, the RequestDelegate or Func<Task> next delegate can best be passed in using Method Injection (through the Invoke method), instead of by using Constructor Injection. Reason for this is that this delegate is runtime data and runtime data should not be passed in through the constructor. Moving it to the Invoke method makes it possible to reliably verify the application’s DI configuration and it simplifies your configuration.

Working with IOption<T>

ASP.NET Core contains a new configuration model based on an IOption<T> abstraction. We advise against injecting IOption<T> dependencies into your application components. Instead let components depend directly on configuration objects and register them as Singleton. This ensures that configuration values are read during application start up and it allows verifying them at that point in time, allowing the application to fail-fast.

Letting application components depend on IOptions<T> has some unfortunate downsides. First of all, it causes application code to take an unnecessary dependency on a framework abstraction. This is a violation of the Dependency Injection Principle that prescribes the use of application-tailored abstractions. Injecting an IOptions<T> into an application component only makes this component more difficult to test, while providing no benefits. Application components should instead depend directly on the configuration values they require.

IOptions<T> configuration values are read lazily. Although the configuration file might be read upon application start up, the required configuration object is only created when IOptions<T>.Value is called for the first time. When deserialization fails, because of application misconfiguration, such error will only be appear after the call to IOptions<T>.Value. This can cause misconfigurations to keep undetected for much longer than required. By reading -and verifying- configuration values at application start up, this problem can be prevented. Configuration values can be injected as singletons into the component that requires them.

To make things worse, in case you forget to configure a particular section (by omitting a call to services.Configure<T>) or when you make a typo while retrieving the configuration section (by supplying the wrong name to Configuration.GetSection(name)), the configuration system will simply supply the application with a default and empty object instead of throwing an exception! This may make sense in some cases but it will easily lead to fragile applications./

Since you want to verify the configuration at start-up, it makes no sense to delay reading it, and that makes injecting IOption<T> into your components plain wrong. Depending on IOptions<T> might still be useful when bootstrapping the application, but not as a dependency anywhere else.

Once you have a correctly read and verified configuration object, registration of the component that requires the configuration object is as simple as this:

MyMailSettings mailSettings =

// Verify mailSettings here (if required)

container.Register<IMessageSender>(() => new MailMessageSender(mailSettings));
Warning: If you are starting from an Empty MVC project template (File | New | Project | MVC 4 | Empty Project Template) you have to manually setup System.Web.Mvc binding redirects, or reference System.Web.Mvc from the GAC.

The following code snippet shows how to use the use the integration package (note that the quick start package injects this code into your Visual Studio MVC project).

// You'll need to include the following namespaces
using System.Web.Mvc;
using SimpleInjector;
using SimpleInjector.Integration.Web;
using SimpleInjector.Integration.Web.Mvc;

// This is the Application_Start event from the Global.asax file.
protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e) {
    // Create the container as usual.
    var container = new Container();
    container.Options.DefaultScopedLifestyle = new WebRequestLifestyle();

    // Register your types, for instance:
    container.Register<IUserRepository, SqlUserRepository>(Lifestyle.Scoped);

    // This is an extension method from the integration package.


    DependencyResolver.SetResolver(new SimpleInjectorDependencyResolver(container));


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